Home Animal Sound Effects Page 11
Authentic animal sound effects, animal recordings and designed creature and monster sound effects.
The Animal Symphony – Owl Shriek has been made possible through a collaboration with the amazing team at Terra Natura.
This unique sound library offers 33 high-quality audio tracks, with multiple takes that accurately capture the various sounds emitted by one of the majestic owls of this natural park. For this collection, we used high-end microphones, such as the Sanken CO-100K and the Sennheiser MKH 8050, together with the Zoom H6 recorder.
The recordings were made at 24-bit/192 kHz and 96 kHz sampling rates, achieving exceptional clarity and depth that guarantee a professional and detailed sound.
The collection includes short and long screeches, captured at very close range, with multiple variations to be able to use them in different situations. This library is ideal for projects that seek to recreate the sounds of wildlife or for creative productions that want to add a fantastic and immersive touch with unique sounds.
Ideal Applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total Audios: 33
– Total number of individual sounds: 193 aprox
– Format: 192 kHz – 96 kHz/24 bit
– Equipment Used: Zoom F6 with Sennheiser MKH 8050 and Sanken CO-100K, plus a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
– Total Duration: 3:13 min
The Animal Symphony – “Harris’s Hawk” was made possible through a collaboration with the amazing people at Terra Natura.
This exclusive sound library features 36 high-quality audio tracks, with multi-take recordings that capture every vocalization and texture of the Harris’s Hawk. Using high-end microphones, such as the Sanken CO-100K and Sennheiser MKH 8050, along with the Zoom H6 recorder, we meticulously documented the nuances of each sound of these birds. The recordings, made at 24-bit/192kHz and 96kHz sampling rates, offer exceptional clarity and depth, ideal for high-demand productions.
Within this collection you will find a variety of Harris’s Hawk vocalizations, such as alarm calls, contact calls, and proximity screeches, captured at different proximities. With multiple variations and takes, this library is perfect for projects seeking realism and authenticity in wildlife sounds or for more creative projects such as creating fantasy creatures.
Each recording has been carefully edited to remove unwanted noise, and since it was made indoors, all traces of reverberation have been eliminated, ensuring a pure sound. Thanks to the ultrasonic microphones, even when reducing the tone, users will be able to enjoy a full richness in the frequency range. This library is an essential tool for those looking for authentic, high-fidelity animal sounds.
Ideal Applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total Audios: 36
– Total number of individual sounds: 441 aprox
– Format: 192 kHz – 96 kHz/24 bit
– Equipment Used: Zoom F6 with Sennheiser MKH 8050 and Sanken CO-100K, plus a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
– Total Duration: 8 min
“The Animal Symphony – Lion & Leopard” was made possible through a collaboration with the wonderful people at Terra Natura.
This sound library features 83 high-quality recordings, each with multiple detailed takes. Using high-end microphones such as the Sanken CO-100K and Sennheiser MKH 8050, along with the Zoom H6 recorder for stereo capture, we were able to document every detail and nuance of these majestic animals. The recordings were made at 24-bit sample rates at 192 kHz and 96 kHz, delivering professional-quality clarity and depth.
The collection includes an extensive variety of lion and leopard sounds, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any project. With multiple takes and variations—such as close roars, soft roars, breaths, and more—this library offers extraordinary flexibility for all types of productions that require authentic animal sounds.
Each recording has been carefully edited to remove unwanted noise, and because it was made indoors, all traces of reverberation have been eliminated. Thanks to the use of ultrasonic microphones, users who choose to turn down the volume will still enjoy exceptional richness in frequencies.
Ideal Applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total Audios: 83
– Total number of individual sounds: 587
– Format: 192 kHz – 96 kHz/24 bit
– Equipment Used: Zoom F6 with Sennheiser MKH 8050 and Sanken CO-100K, plus a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
Your game has cool and unique creatures, why then should you reach for the same walrus and donkey sounds that every other game and movie has already used?
Explore the rich and detailed world of animal vocalizations with this first volume, featuring 24 unique species including wildcats, primates, birds of prey, tropical birds, cats and more.
Recorded in close up using a Sanken CO-100K (sometimes combined with a MKH416), these sounds capture the finest details and ultrasonic content, perfect for extreme pitch and speed modulation.
Ideal for sound designers, this library is a top choice for creating realistic monster and creature sounds.
Produced in collaboration with La Boissière du Doré zoo, Natur’Zoo Mervent and Legendia Parc.
Amazon Parrot • American Flamingo Flock • Bald Eagle • Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur • Black-capped Squirrel Monkey • Border Collie Dog • Chilean Flamingo Flock • Coconut Lorikeet Parrot • Domestic Cats • Galah Cockatoo • Gelada Monkey • Greater Flamingo Flock • Grey Parrot • Harris Hawk • Malayan Tiger • Moluccan Eclectus Parrot • North American Donkey • Red Kite • Scarlet Macaw Parrot • Steppe Eagle • Sumatran Tiger • Sun Conures Parrots • West African Lion And Lioness • Wreathed Hornbill
Gear used
Sound Devices MixPre-6 II • Sanken CO-100K • Sennheiser Mkh416 • DIY parabolic microphone dish
This sound library is UCS compliant and comes with fully embedded metadatas compatible with Soundminer, Soundly and Basehead.
These sounds have been designed to suit a large reptile monster – from dragons to dinosaurs and everything in between.
NSL – Ubrique is a 44 Files Sound-Pack composed of Spain Life Sounds, All Royalty-FREE to use in your productions. You will have access to many samples: Spain Neighbourhoods, City Life, Farm Animals, Nature Winds, and many more sounds…
This classic vehicle is drawn by two horses and produces mostly clank and rattle of wood and metal. You can also hear some leather creaks and the horses’ hooves and breaths. Occasionally the driver beatboxes some cues – clucking, smacking, monosyllables.
Some of the files contain solely the rattle of the rolling carriage but no horses – these can be used for sound designing any old vehicle on a bumpy road.
This selection of onboard sounds contains a variety of speeds, horse gaits and road surfaces. They have been recorded with the Sennheiser Ambeo VR Mic, and, simultaneously, with two stereo sets. For each recording you get 10 channels:
– ambiX B-format (4 channels)
– Stereo XY (Audio-Technica BP4025)
– Wide Stereo (DPA 4060) captured at the carriage’s chassis
– Stereo Mix of all of the above
The ambiX B-format files are ready to be encoded into all spatial sound setups: like 5.1, 7.1, 4.0, VR 360 degree experience, and more.
The library is UCS compliant.
• In Angry Chipmunk, get a maniacal collection of enraged rodents. Hear fierce repetitive chirps and visceral trills so close they can’t help but startle. Hear frantic scuttling movement and barks that sound like villainous laughter when pitched down.
• This library offers you a collection of sounds from a rodent with loads of character. Northern Maine has the highest density of angry chipmunks of any place I have recorded. Chipmunks are incredibly territorial and they really did not like me recording near their trees. They even chewed through some of my cables to show their displeasure! But it was worth it to hear their scrappy vocalizations up close. I hope you enjoy them too. Thanks for listening.
• Stereo Only: These recording were made in stereo and do not include a quad version.
• Stereo: front mid/side decoded to left and right.
• Quad: double mid/side decoded to quad.
California Grassland Wildlife is a collection of 95 Stereo and 33 Quad Recordings of over 30 different species of birds that can be found in Grassland, Plains, and High Desert Environments. Also included are a few recordings of Coyotes, Grasshoppers, Insects. Some other quieter ambiences are included as well.
Most of the recordings from this library took place in The Carrizo Plain, an open expanse of Grassland that spans 50 miles long and 15 miles wide West of the Mojave Desert in California’s Central Valley. It’s an arid area far from any towns, and a fairly harsh environment that most years gets very little rain. A number of dirt roads go on for miles and stretch across the flat plain and hilly landscape, eventually leading up to the Temblor and Caliente Ranges. Abandoned and weathered dilapidated remnants of old ranches, water tanks, barns, metal sheds, farm machinery, vehicles, and corrals from a bygone era of the west can be discovered if one ventures off the beaten path.
At first glance, one wouldn’t think there’d be much wildlife out there, but I discovered it’s an area that has quite a bit going on. A lot of the old structures, along with the few areas with trees become the resting place and shelters for birds and animals. Over a span of two years I made a number of trips to this location trying to capture as much of the local wildlife as I could.
Included are sounds from Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Dusk, and late evening. Perspectives vary from extremely close to medium and distant. I’ve split out the sounds by species and more Active, Medium, Specific, in order to give a lot of flexibility when trying to use these sounds for projects.
Barn Owls chirping overhead, the single rhythmic call of Bell’s Sparrows, the close hooting of Great Horned Owl’s, the constant cooing of Doves, Ravens slowly traveling over an open field, Finches swarming and providing quite the cacophony. Detailed sounds of wings of birds and grasshoppers. Coyotes howling in the distance. It was a lot of fun putting this one all together.
California Grassland Abandoned is the companion library to this one and is more focused on Ambiences, winds, and sounds from Abandoned Structures.
Prominent Birds with multiple recordings
Barn Owl, Bell’s Sparrow, Bullock’s Oriole, Cassin’s Kingbird, Common Nighthawk, Eurasian Collared-Dove, House Finch, Great Horned Owl, Mourning Dove, Raven, Say’s Phoebe, Western Kingbird
Other Birds Featured
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bewick’s Wren, Brewer’s Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, California Quail, California Towhee, European Starling, Hooded Oriole, Horned Lark, House Wren, Least Bittern, Mountain Bluebird, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-winged Blackbird, Rock Wren, Sagebrush Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Spotless Starling, Western Meadowlark.
All files have been carefully mastered. Detailed Metadata and labeling of species has been provided so that all of the sounds are easily accessible. Photos have been embedded with each file to help out with getting an idea of what birds are typical in particular landscapes. UCS compliant, markers have been placed throughout the files to allow for quicker navigation.
The Gear
Sound Devices MixPre-3
Sound Devices MixPre-6
Sennheiser MKH 8020
Sennheiser MKH 8040
Sennheiser MKH 8040+MKH 30 MS
Sennheiser MKH 8040 Pair + MKH 30 DMS
A / B Spacing was used with the MKH 8020’s. ORTF with the MKH 8040, along with a MKH 30 in MS and Double MS.
MS Recordings have been decoded to Stereo and Double MS have been decoded to Quad Format.
Hear the harmonic mood of Mount Ida in Northwestern Türkiye. Mount Ida’s ancient Greek mythology extends to Homer and its “vadi” (valley) is the epic setting for “The Iliad”.
The bountiful waterways and wildlife that we recorded surrounded the ancient city of Troy – at the verge of the Mediterranean.
An extensive collection of birdsong, wind, woodland, waterways, and animals in pure untouched nature. Different intensities and times of the day were meticulously captured with close and distant perspectives.
36 high-resolution files and 2 hours duration. All files in 96 kHz / 24 bit format. Includes detailed and easy-to-navigate metadata. Recorded with our favorite gear: DPA 4060s, Sennheiser MKH 8040s, Zoom F3.
Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.
Ambience, Mount Ida, Soundscape, Nature, Rural, Woodland, Water, Leaves, Rustle, Flow, Nightingale, Blackbird, Insect, Bee, Wind, Dawn, Dusk, Evening, Morning, Birdsong, Gurgle, Whistle, River, Stream, Frog, Dawn Chorus, Cricket, Jackal, Bird, Birdsong, Bubble, Waterfall, National Park, Field Recording.
What else you may need
Reach us to get access to more and longer nature and urban soundscapes.
You may also want to check out the City Perspectives & Ambiences for access to many urban ambience essentials. Room Tones and Interior Ambiences is another option for quieter spaces in 84 pristine sounds.
Create an immersive world with the only you-will-ever-need collection of royalty-free sounds for your RPG adventure that your audience will never forget!
INCLUDED LIBRARIES (Total Value: $580):
Discover entire sets of highest level to detail and cutting edge sound design for your battle scene.
Whether your project requires authentic weapons such as ONE-HANDED and TWO-HANDED SWORDS, KNIVES and DAGGERS, AXES, SHIELDS, BOW and ARROWS, weapons HANDLING and more; or IMPACT SOUNDS on a variety of surfaces including METAL, WOOD, ROCK, FLESH, ARMOUR and CLOTHING; as well as body moovement FOLEY SOUNDS, you’ll have everything you could possible need with this expansive collection!
Do you need Siege Engines and Larger Weapons too? Discover entire sets of sound effects that will bring your BATTERING RAM, CATAPULT, TREBUCHET, SIEGE TOWER and ENGINES MOVEMENT to life. As always in our libraries, included are all action sounds, such as LOADING, HANDLING NOISES, SHOOTING and walls/castles/bunkers/fortified gates HIT/IMPACT sounds, multiple intensity mixes, looping versions, various speeds, and more.
Sounds for all RPG scenarios included, whether it’s TAVERN SOCIALIZING, EATING, and TALKING sound effects, CASTLE GATES and MEDIEVAL ENVIRONMENTS, FARM LIFE, DUNGEON, PRISONS, OBJECT MOVES and CHEST OPENS, EXPLORATIONS, or any other Medieval/Fantasy scenario, it’s all inside of this extensive pack!
Whether your adventure takes place on a BATTLEFIELD, in a CASTLE or PRISON, on a FARM or in a VILLAGE, or outdoors in the GRASSLANDS, COUNTRYSIDE, FOREST, SNOWY MOUNTAIN, DESERT or JUNGLE, we’ve got you covered! Ambiences contain MULTIPLE VARIATIONS, ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS, and MULTIPLE INTENSITIES to cover each and every of your scenes, making this sound effects library is perfect for any setting you can imagine.
Our expert team of sound designers have meticulously crafted each ambience into CONTINUOUS, NON-REPETITIVE, DRAG AND DROP-READY LOOPS that will serve as perfect background audio for your game, film, animation, live event, or even as relaxing background audio! We have even included FULL and SIMPLIFIED MIXES, SHORT and LONG non-repetitive variants, multiple choices for INTENSITIES, and numerous other options for your convenience!
Instead of buying individual products and paying $580 USD for entire collection, or spending countless hours handpicking sounds that your projects need from all over the internet, download this collection of all the highest-quality medieval/fantasy audio you will ever need with one click of a button!
Designed by our team of industry veterans with 1,000+ games worth of experience, every included sound has been carefully mastered and is drag-and-drop ready for your project. Entire content is meticulously meta-tagged, labelled and easily keyword-searchable files, and as always, all sounds are included in 3 most common audio formats for your convenience.
Sri Lanka Soundscapes Vol.2 – Countryside is the second volume in the Sri Lanka Soundscape Library Series.
This library features typical sounds recorded in the rice paddy’s and farms and beaches of Southern Sri Lanka. It features, ambiences containing local animals and birds (did someone say Peacock), insects, remote villages, Ocean waves all in quiet secluded environments. The library serves as a great palette of local and unique sounds within quiet countryside environments to really ground and localise any projects. Contains a mix of ambience recordings and some shorter animal specific SFX.
A particular highlight for me on this collection was capturing the sound of a duck farting as it plodded away (see movement and fart file at 00:07)- cutting edge stuff.
Sounds recorded in Stereo 24bit/48kHz and UCS compatible.
Get the other collections here:
Sri Lanka Soundscape Vol. 1-3 Collection
Sri Lanka Soundscape Vol. 2 – Rural Countryside
Sri Lanka Soundscape Vol. 3 – Vehicles
This sound library features typical soundscapes from Switzerland, cow herds, pasture valley, sheep herds, cowbells, forest, mountain, tractors, … fresh air.
In this library you will find recordings of outdoor environments captured at the salt flats near the Olhão city, such as birds, wind, water and some city background noise.
These sounds are perfect for background sound design in movies, games, documentaries, art installations, etc..
These sounds were all recorded with the stereo microphone Audio-Technica BP4025.
After working these sounds in post production, this library comes with 8 incredible salt flats ambient sounds.
In this library you will find recordings of outdoor environments captured at the Olhão dock and shipyard, such as workers washing, building and preparing boats.
These sounds are perfect for background sound design in movies, games, documentaries, art installations, etc…
These sounds were all recorded with the stereo microphone Audio-Technica BP4025.
After working these sounds in post production, this library comes with 10 incredible dock shipyard ambient sounds.
This mini-library is taken from a session recording ducks and geese in the Pacific Northwest during their Fall Migration. Included are sounds of Mallards, Canada Geese, Cackling Geese, along with some Downy Woodpeckers and Pacific Wrens who wanted to join in on the fun.
All files are UCS compliant and have full metadata embedded.
With this library of otter sounds you will find 18 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations, this collection captures the essence of these playful creatures in impeccable detail.
Organized for effortless use
All recordings are uniformly labeled to seamlessly integrate into your workflow, making it easy to select, combine, or swap takes based on your creative needs. This library includes a variety of long and short whining sounds.
Accurate Recording with Premium Equipment
Captured at an intimate distance of 10-20cm, these recordings offer exceptional clarity and detail, bringing you closer than ever to the natural sounds of otters. High-end recording equipment was used, including:
– Sennheiser MKH 8050: for accurate, natural sound capture.
– Sanken CO-100K: perfect for ultrasonic frequency recordings.
– Zoom F6: a professional-quality recorder that supports 192kHz audio.
– Zoom H6: Ensures high-quality stereo recordings.
The ultrasonic capabilities of this setup allow you to tone down recordings without losing their depth or richness, making them ideal for creating fantastical creatures or immersive soundscapes.
Professional Standards and Quality
– Resolution: Recorded at 24-bit/192khz-96Khz and delivered at 192Khz-96Khz/24-bit, ensuring an exceptional level of detail and dynamic range.
– Editing: Tracks have been meticulously cleaned to remove extraneous noises such as distant birds, wind, footsteps or human activity, ensuring a flawless, professional-quality product.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 18 (93 Individually)
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and Sanken CO-100K microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
– Duration: 04:45
The Animal Symphony – Flight of the Bees was made possible by the collaboration of “Mieles Sandrita“, who opened their doors to us and provided exceptional care throughout the recording process.
This sound library offers 55 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations meticulously captured to ensure unmatched sound quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to combine or swap takes depending on the needs of your project.
Recording bees in motion posed a unique challenge, as they kept flying around the microphones, and tracking them accurately was virtually impossible due to the number of bees present. Still, we managed to capture complete swarm environments, including tracks with predetermined durations and continuous loops. Some takes can be combined, as on occasion a bee remained within the capture radius of all microphones simultaneously.
Most of the fluttering sounds are available individually so you can create your scene according to your preferences. Additionally, the sounds are not pre-panned, allowing for complete flexibility in adjusting them to your mix.
The recording was done with high-end equipment, such as the Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone, the Sanken CO-100K and a Zoom H6 recorder to capture stereo sound. Thanks to ultrasonic capture, by lowering the pitch of the recordings, a depth and frequency richness is maintained ideal for creative uses, such as the creation of spaceships, jet engines or any sound design.
The tracks were recorded at 24-bit and 192 kHz / 96 kHz, guaranteeing professional quality in every detail.
Finally, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove external noises, such as birds, wind, people or footsteps, ensuring a clean experience ready for use in any professional production.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 55 (224 Individually)
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
– Duration: 12m
FOREST ATMOS is an immersive sound library recorded in 7.0.2 cinematic format with our exclusive array: the Atmos Tree.
Experience the sounds of nature in this new immersive adventure with 8+ hours of recorded material distributed across 130 files.
Sound designers Mélia Roger and Grégoire Chauvot have explored the forests of France over the course of 3 years in order to record the diversity of their soundscapes : the dawn chorus during springtime, the trill of insects in the heat of the summer, the quietness of an autumn night or the subtle crackling of frozen trees in winter…
The library is perfectly suited for DOLBY Atmos mixes. It also contains extensive metadata and is UCS compliant.
38 tracks of sounds from mans best friend!
This mini library of dog sound effects was recorded and collected throughout the years, whenever I had a chance to get a microphone close to one or more dogs.
Library include sounds from a raspy throated and angry Chihuahua, a gentle Amstaff, Russell Terriers, Old English Sheepdogs, German Shepherds, both regular and guard dogs, a Flat-Coated Retriever, and a huge mixed breed dog who just wanted to play around, but sure didnt sound like it! All in all, sounds from 11 different dogs, and 7 different breeds.
Lost of growling, barking, snarls, breaths, whimpers and panting, eating and drinking, and dogs doing tug of war, can be found in this set of sounds.
Dogs is 38 tracks, 400mb, recorded with Sounddevices recorder using Sennheiser\Emesser microphones
The sounds for the sample pack “Singing Forest Birds” were recorded in the forest and on the outskirts of the village.
Fallow Deer is a collection of recordings taken during the amazing spectacle that is the fallow deer rut. The library includes the strange low frequency grunting, bellowing and dramatic antler clashes as the male deer fight to compete for mating rights. Many of the recordings were made at night and being in a hide surrounded by around 40 aggressive males in the pitch dark was a breathtaking experience I will never forget.
Please listen to the demo and look at the metadata PDF below to get a sense of what type of recordings are included.
The library includes detailed metadata and is UCS compliant
Looking for animal sound effects for your projects? The independent sound effects community has recorded a huge number of original animal sound libraries, covering everything from tiny chirps to earth-shattering roars.
From animal sounds heard in Antarctica’s freezing cold to the wildlife of the scorching hot deserts of Namibia, the sound libraries have been recorded across the globe - giving you unique atmospheric ambiences, as well as rare and expressive recordings of individual animals.
So whether you need sounds of domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses and cows, or wild animals like lions, tigers, bears and wolves, you'll find them in these sound libraries. You can also find sounds from exotic and endangered species like pandas, gorillas, elephants and rhinos, or discover the sounds of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
The sounds are highly useful for both films, documentaries and game projects, and can be used to create realistic or designed sonic environments, as well as for monsters, beasts, fantastical creatures, aliens and so much more.
Bark, bleat, buzz, caw, chirp, croak, growl, hoot, hiss, meow, moo, neigh, oink, quack, rattle, ribbit, roar, snarl, squeak, tweet
Q: What are some of the most popular animal sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular animal sound effects libraries
Q: Are there any animal sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by animal sound libraries on sale
Q: How do I download the animal sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen animal SFX.
Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required
Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.
The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep Vol 2 offers a collection of 53 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations carefully captured to ensure exceptional quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to swap or combine different microphone takes depending on the needs of the project.
For this occasion, a Sennheiser MKH 8050 and a Sanken CO-100K microphone were used, along with a Zoom H6 recorder to capture the stereo sound. In this second volume, we have gotten even closer to the animals than in the first volume, managing to capture a greater amount of ultrasonic information. This is especially useful if you want to tone down sounds to create fantastic creatures or other sound effects, providing an exceptional richness of frequencies.
The recordings were made at 24-bit and 192 kHz/96 kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth in each track.
This collection includes a wide variety of bleats, from adult goats, mountain goats, kids and sheep, to group bleats, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any production, be it documentary, film, video games or creative projects.
In addition, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove any external noise, such as birds, wind or people, ensuring a clean and professional experience. Thanks to ultrasonic microphones, any tonal modification will maintain a unique frequency richness, perfect for creating custom sounds.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 53 (250 Individually)
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.
Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.
The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.
The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.
Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.
All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.
“The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep” offers a collection of 71 high-quality audio tracks (between 3 and 6 variations each), each featuring multiple sounds captured in exceptional quality . The audios are organized with a consistent nomenclature, allowing the different microphone jacks to be easily exchanged. Using two high-end microphones, the Sennheiser MKH 8050 and an EM258 capsule microphone, along with a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo sound, we have captured every detail and nuance of these sounds. Recordings were made at 24-bit and 192kHz/96kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth.
This collection offers a wide variety of goat and sheep bleats, perfect for adding realism and authenticity to your projects. With multiple takes and variations, including sounds from adult goats, kids and sheep, this library provides the flexibility needed for any type of production requiring sounds from these animals.
All recordings have been carefully edited to eliminate external noises, such as birds, wind or people. Furthermore, thanks to the ultrasonic microphones used, it is guaranteed that whoever decides to lower the tone will continue to obtain frequency richness.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 71
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
The sounds from “The Animal Symphony – Crowing Rooster” are available under a royalty-free license, allowing for use in multiple projects at no additional costs. You can use these sound effects in your games, trailers, Kickstarter campaigns, and more, as many times as you like.
Take a journey back in time with Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle! Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.
About Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle
With this collection you will have access to a carefully curated collection of Medieval Warfare, Medieval Town and Green Witch’s Cauldron sound effects. It covers your most essential historical needs with 1.200+ sounds, recorded and designed professionally.
You can find rope stressing sounds, listen to the rain on a beach from a bush perspective, bottle up potions, and hear a soldier as he gets ready for a battle. Listen to barn animals, horses, weapons and tools; town ambiences, mine, blacksmith, tavern, field, church bells; dried seeds and herbs, defensive spells and transfiguration spells. Go ahead and check out the contents of these three different collections included in the Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle one by one and start imagining a story already!
You’ll find yourself first on a brutal battlefield, then come back to the busy town a little. Don’t be afraid to ask for some healing magic from the Green Witch! Travel back to the Middle Ages and take Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle with you!
These sounds are available in 24-bit / 96kHz, were recorded delicately with DPA 4060s and Neumann KM184 pairs, have clarity and room for further sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for customization.
About Medieval Town SFX Pack
400+ sound effects from a simple town’s parts such as; barn, field, grassland, tavern, blacksmith, carpenter, library, church, graveyard, mine, and many more a medieval town could offer. With the Medieval Town Sound Effects Bundle you will have access to dressage sounds, kitchenware sounds, church bells, town ambiences, medieval mechanical devices, mining sounds, animals, tools, weapons and more. Medieval Town Sound Effects Bundle was recorded and designed delicately for all your historical needs.
About Medieval Warfare SFX Pack
Medieval Warfare Sound Effects Pack brings the most realistic 350+ medieval sound effects that you may need for your game/film/creative projects. It includes sound effects of; warriors, explosions, barn animals, horse sound effects, medieval life sound effects, weapons, and tools, human voices, and many more to find out.
You will have access to weapon sound effects, animals, horse items, ambiences, medieval life items, sword hits, catapult, crossbow, arrow whooshes, battle cries, castle gates, foley sound effects and more. Medieval Warfare Sound Effects Pack is specifically designed for all your historical needs, with the texture of the sounds flexible for customization. Plus, you get the usual Vadi Sound craft and attention to detail!
Great for film, video, game, advertisements, Foley and suitable further as sweeteners outside of the medieval genre as well.
Green Witch’s Cauldron SFX Pack
Green Witch’s Cauldron brings you the 450+ sounds of healing white magic and spells of a playful and sometimes wicked witch. It includes collecting and drying herbs, bubbling boiling potions, bottling, casting spells with elemental magic, and many more you can find in a cauldron. With this pack, you will have access to cat sounds, witch reactions, dried seeds, dried herbs, defensive spells, attacks, transfiguration spells, whooshes and transitions and elements.
Green Witch’s Cauldron Sound Effects Bundle was recorded and designed exquisitely for all your magical needs and covers all sound effects needs for any white magic, potion-brewing, voices and subtle sounds of a witch’s life for the relevant projects and games that you are working on.
These meticulously recorded sounds have clarity and lots of room for further usage and sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for further customization. With 24-bit / 96kHz Wav format and easy to navigate naming, you can now set the bar higher for all your film, game, motion and video projects, advertisement, animation and all witchy projects.
What else you may need
You may also want to check out our Gore for warfare, Essential Magic for darker magic and spells and All About Games Master Collection for a mega collection of 23 different packs for game audio sound effects.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.