This week on A Sound Effect, we have a staggering 20 new sound libraries from some of our favorite sound effects creators. Krotos Audio released tons of texture libraries that work with and without Reformer Pro. Sound Mind released the impressive Heavy Industry sound library, and Articulated Sounds is back with two interesting libraries from Montreal and Ecuador. You can also hear the results of Thomas Rex Beverly’s peaceful trip to the Pacific Northwest. Plus, Airborne Sound put out an interesting accent and whoosh library, and SoundBits has a brand new transition library. Finally, Watson Wu gets you into a 2017 Subaru Crosstek, and All You Can Eat Audio has a new portable cassette tape player library. Happy listening!
Heavy Industry by Sound Mind – Michal Fojcik delivers (very) hard-to-get recordings from coal & zinc mines, smelters, a scrapyard, tram repair workshop, train factory, steelworks, vulcanizer and a quarry:
The Complete Surround Sound LAB Collection is an incredible deal, getting you 25 complete sound effects libraries (2500+ sounds, 140+ GB total) at an absolutely massive discount:
'Subaru Crosstrek SUV' by Watson Wu delivers the sounds of a 2017 Subaru Crosstrek SUV with over 35 minutes of onboard, external, and Foley sounds, all in high-quality 24-bit resolution, 96 kHz sample rate:
'Tiny Transitions 2' by SoundBits gets you versatile sounds with 350 designed sounds and 320 cleaned and edited source sounds of props that scrape and slide on different surfaces, plus vocalized whooshes:
'Leather' by Krotos Audio features a huge range of dynamic leather Foley, ranging from subtile clothing movements to impacts and more:
Montreal 365 by Articulated Sounds gets you 365 interior and exterior recordings from Montreal, captured over 5 years and covering all four seasons. More than 16 hours of sounds are included:
'Pacific Northwest: Storm Waves' by Thomas Rex Beverly is a collection of storm waves from Rialto Beach, a driftwood filled shoreline of Olympic National Park, with massive 25-foot swells breaking and sea foam froth sloshing on rounded pebbles:
'Pacific Northwest: Active Nature' by Thomas Rex Beverly has active ambiences from the Hoh Rainforest with lonely frogs croakings, syncopated drips from moss-covered branches, twittering songbirds' joyous chirps, and more:
'Pacific Northwest: Quiet Nature' by Thomas Rex Beverly captures the massive sparseness of one of the last quiet places in the lower US, taking you to a long-lost time when giant trees covered the Pacific Northwest:
'Pacific Northwest: Miniature' by Thomas Rex Beverly is a mini ambient collection that gets you sounds of fighting Roosevelt Elk, haunting reverberations of ravens cawing in groves of titans, and the Hoh River's soothing wash:
'Electronics Bundle' by Krotos Audio is a varied library of electronic sounds, sourced from analog synths and digital processes, that are ideal for sci-fi sound design and electronic music:
'Gun Foley (KTS)' by Krotos Audio contains a fantastic range of gun Foley for any type of hand gun, rifle or shotgun that can be used with or without Reformer Pro:
Ecuador by Articulated Sounds features features mainland Ecuadorian life, with the 3 geographical tropes: the coast, the highlands, and the jungle, along with diverse urban settings:
Israel Life by Lukáš Tvrdoň gets you 29 crowd ambiences from several interesting places in Israel, including Tel Aviv's traditional Carmel market, streets and parks, beaches, villages and more:
Whether it's the sound of a steak being placed on a red-hot barbecue, the spitting of oil from a boiling pan, or the crackling of a fire, 'Sizzle' by Krotos Audio has the assortment of sizzling sounds you've been looking for:
'Organic Whooshes' by Airborne Sound has more than 1,200 whooshes from brooms, cables, pipes, fabrics, aerosol spray cans, combs, dish racks, and even torched objects:
'Crisis Accents' by Airborne Sound lets you supercharge your projects with over 400 transitions, whoosh-to-hit accents, rises, impacts, glitches, shimmering, swirling, crashes, and more:
'Personal Cassette Player_Pack 02' by All You Can Eat Audio gets you a pack of recordings of the Sony VOR cassette player that includes sounds of its buttons, sliding in the tape, fast-forwarding, and removing the batteries:
'Clothes Foley Bundle' by Krotos Audio has 891 MB of high-quality clothing Foley, from denim jeans to wool jackets, that was recorded with a Sennheiser MKH-416 and a DPA 4062:
'Polystyrene' by Krotos Audio contains a vast collection of polystyrene sounds from ear-splitting squeaks and noisy cracks to the crunching of a sheet beneath a foot:
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